Convoy & Camping Rules
Convoy procedure is a basic set of instructions that must be carried out on all club trips. They have been designed to assist in taking a large group of vehicles from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. If proper procedure is followed, drivers will not exceed their capabilities, no one will get lost and the trip will flow smoothly.
· Convoy procedure becomes relevant when the convoy moves off from the starting point.
· Observe road rules at all times.
· Members and visitors are to arrive 15 minutes prior to designated departure time with a full fuel tank.
· The trip leader should not be overtaken by any of the convoy, except in an emergency.
· Vehicles in convoy should travel at a safe distance apart, with greatest consideration to other vehicles who aren't in your convoy, especially in wet, dusty, hilly or more so muddy conditions.
· Maintain at least six (6) vehicle lengths between vehicles so as other vehicles may pass the convoy safely.
· When convoy stops parking should be orderly. Vehicles wishing to stop, must flash headlights, vehicle in front flash left and right indicators to acknowledge or advise intentions over CB radio.
· Each vehicle is responsible for the vehicle behind at all times, in difficult terrain or when turning off a road or at a cross roads. If there is no vehicle in sight WAIT.
· Always wait at an intersection, to ensure that the vehicle following has identified the correct route to be taken.
· Always keep the following vehicle in sight.
· When ascending or descending steep inclines, wait at the top or bottom, until the proceeding vehicle has fully cleared the obstacle.
· Always maintain your position in the convoy, except in unavoidable circumstances. This means keep the same vehicles in front and behind you. The only exception to this rule is when the second vehicle returns to the end after opening and closing gates.
· No vehicle is to break and leave the convoy, unless the trip leader has been informed first.
· Tail-end Charlie should constantly hold his position throughout the entire trip.
· All gates are to be left as they were found.
· Second vehicle in convoy is responsible for opening and closing gates unless otherwise directed by trip leader, returning to convoy directly in front of Tail-end Charlie.
· All vehicles are to keep to the formed track/road in the interests of conservation. The trip leader will decide if it is necessary to leave the track for whatever reason.
· Drivers are responsible for passengers at all times.
· River crossings: No two (2) vehicles are to be in the water at the same time.
· Recovery: The trip leader will be in charge of all recovery operations and all other vehicles and spectators must keep well clear.
· Track damage caused by the movement of vehicles on the trip is to be repaired if possible.
· UHF radio users to transmit on one channel only whilst in convoy, channel to be designated at beginning of trip by trip leader.
· All litter should remain in your vehicle.
· Trip leader is responsible for organising, Tail-end Charlie, convoy signs, camping equipment and permits if necessary.
· Trip leader is responsible for the position of tents, vehicles, campfires, disposals, pit toilets.
· It is up to all members to comply with convoy and camping rules.
· Fauna and flora, look at it and leave it.
· Fire arms are not permitted.
· Everyone is to administer first aid themselves where practical. Everyone is to use their own first aid equipment where practical. Anyone using the clubs first aid equipment must replace equipment used.
· Each and every member is responsible for offering help and information on club rules to new members and visitors (in particular) and making sure these rules are abided by.
· If you are experiencing any difficulties on the trip, tell the trip leader.
· Before commencing a trip, the trip leader must know how many vehicles he has and intersperse the more experienced drivers along the convoy.
· The leader must familiarise all present with these procedures.